Here at SCC, we want to foster the spiritual growth of your children and believe that what we teach in church should complement and support what you teach at home. Our goal is that all children will know how much God loves them and that He wants them to follow Him.
KidZone (Nursery for babies - age 2, PreK for ages 2-5, and Elementary for grades K-5) meets during the 10 am Sunday Service and is designed to invite kids into a new understanding of how to grow in their relationship with Jesus by finding new and innovative ways to say, show, and teach timeless Biblical truths unique to each age level. Click here for more information.
SCC Youth (6-12th grade) is designed to help students discover and own their growing relationship with Christ. In addition to fun events, our weekly meetings feature games, snack, discussion, and relevant teaching for junior high school and high school students. Join us Sundays from 4:00-5:30 pm. Questions? Email Pastor Josh at
Awana Kids’ Club is a great opportunity for kids from age 3 through grade 6 to learn about God’s love for them through lessons, games, and small group interaction. Awana takes place on Thursday evenings from 6:20-8:00 pm, September-May. Come join the fun! Click here for more information.
Our 2024 VBS Event was a blast! Stay tuned for information on our 2025 event.
Interested in attending KidZone, SCC Youth, or Awana?
Pre-register at the link below to help speed up the check-in process when you get here!
You can also ask questions or sign up for email updates about our Children's Ministries on our online connect card.