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  • Easter


  • Palm Sunday

    Jumping to conclusions can leave any of us very disappointed with situations and people.This week as we prepare for Easter (Resurrection Sunday), we are going to look at what could be a familiar story to many - Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem. The crowds jumped to a lot of conclusions even though many were aware of scripture and what Jesus said about himself. It left them very disappointed and defeated. We can do the same thing!

    Join us as we unpack how to guard against jumping to crushing conclusions by replacing them anticipation. If you have the chance, prepare by reading Mark 11:1-17.

  • Easter Sunday

    Being "just okay" is not okay!  Being just okay about something is a sign that you aren't really confident in or with it. Just okay is not okay when it applies to your car's brakes, your taxes, your surgeon, your airplane pilot, and the best-used-by date for something you are about to eat. It also applies in the most important way to the ability to be more than okay with what happened that first Easter, Resurrection Sunday, when nobody expected no body.

    Join us this Easter as we look into how we can have confidence in what happened that day and be more than be just okay. If you have the chance, prepare by reading Luke 24:1–12 NIV (page 722 in the chair rack Bible from SCC if you have one).